Orissa Holistic Garden
A sanctuary for your mind, body, and spirit. Hidden in the midst of the holy Mount Arayat.
Experience the powerful nature medicine in our magical garden
Reclaim your peace of mind, joyful heart, and vibrant health.
Let your food be your medicine, your mind the keeper of your light
You are what you eat and your thoughts what you become

Kindness And Compassion Is The Heart Of All Our Therapeutic Services

Our team were professionally trained by local and international experts on natural remedies practice, with many years of experence. We embody a holistic lifestyle and self-awareness. We recognize that to deliver health, peace and happness, the giver should carry that rhythm herself.

Powerful and Effective Natural Remedies

The body is the temple of the emotion, mind, and spirit. The emotion is your inner loyal child that whispers through feelings. The mind is your creator of the now and beyond. The spirit is the force that keeps you going.
– By Riza Shanti Lim

Body Therapeutics

Detoxify to get rid of all the pollutants inhaled from the air, harmful chemicals mixed in the drinking water, toxins sprayed in the foods, radiation absorbed from electrical gadgets.

Mental Wellness

Bring tranquility and rest to your mind through our soothing guided meditation.

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We have more to offer discover all of our services.

Activities for Peace and Happiness

Always attend to the child in you. Happiness is the fuel that everyone must have.


Short subtitle about yoga.


Short subtitle about Medititation.

See more fun activities

A lot of activities are waiting for you.

Nature Ambiance Facilities

Fresh spring water pool.

Testimonies From Guests

Treat yourself

Let us take you to the paradise of health and bliss.